Yoga (Private or Group Instruction)
1 hr: $150
10 Pack: $1350 (10% Savings)
20 Pack $2500 (17 % Savings)
Vinyasa - This form of yoga is movement and breath based and is great for increasing energy and stabilizing sleeping patterns. Through aerobic movement and exercise the heart and lungs (cardiovascular system) are strengthened and revitalized which leads to neural and mental health. Through neural and cardiovascular health the body can begin to properly detox through exhaling and sweat. The exercises used in this method mainly consist of concentric and eccentric use of the muscles and joints. Vinyasa yoga is great for opening and rejuvenating the spinal and other major joints.
Gentle Yoga - An easy healing slow form of yoga that includes movement, balance, stretching, light strengtheners, breath work and meditation.
Hatha - Hatha yoga is the yoga of balance. This slower more meditative form of ancient yoga has similar goals as vinyasa yet has a slightly different approach. The effects of Hatha yoga include strengthening of the mental will power, concentration, memory and imagination. Through challenging physical exercise and breath practice the yogi strengthens the physical, mental and energy bodies. Rather than consistent movement from posture to posture or Vinyasa yoga, this style of practice is more isometric, static and still in its nature. Rather than working in between yoga asanas, the practicioners meditate and breathe within the different poses. This style of practice greatly challenges and develops the practitioners concentration, attention and willpower.
Power Yoga - This style of practice mainly comprises of methods for building static and dynamic deep core strength. This type of practice particularly looks at mho-fascial trains (connections of muscles) an attempts to build full body postural strength. The practitioner we be lead though a series of countering postures and movements to develop a balanced sense full body strength. This is the practice of ease within intensity.
Flexibility - Flexibility is the key to healthy strength. Having tight joints, muscles and connective tissues can lead to long term chronic pain and even illness. This style of practice solely aims to develop balanced flexibility within all major muscles groups and joints. Using an array of techniques the practitioner will quickly feel the openess and lightness created by regular aware stretching.
Restorative - There are many methods involved in restorative yoga. The first four letter of the method are rest. This plays a role in all restoration demonstrating the wether restoring energy, strength, mobility or immunity; rest plays a crucial role. Methods of restoration include yoga nidra, pranayama, stretching, strengthening, self massage methods and meditation. The yogi can be sure to leave this practice feeling rested, rejuvenated and relaxed.
Meditation - Possibly the most potent and effective form of practice; meditation itself is the end result of regular asana, pranayama and mantra practice. This practice includes active mental exercises to advance mental coherence, cognition and awareness. This practice also includes lead meditations aiming to develop the practitioners mental visualization, imagination, creativity, concentration, and energy awareness.
Pranayama (Breath Practice) - The process of practicing breathing almost seems to be common sense. However, the cultivation of breath awareness takes years and is truly limitless in its capabilities. When we really take a close look at what we are practicing, it is the practice of our heart, lungs, circulatory system and energy. The quality of breath has been proven to effect very physiological and psychological system in the human body. Breathing assists in muscular tension release, aids in healthier digestion, calms the mind which leads to enhanced immune function, greater mental clarity, higher intelligence, increase energy, greater sense of happiness and reduces physical pain. Yoga as a practice uses many specific breathing techniques for certain specific ailments and conditions. Breathing is a tool that we have at our constant disposal to greatly effect our attitude, perception and awareness. Typically in our current social culture woman who are pregnant are trained for months in breathing to better adapt and prepare for this great physical, emotional and mental challenge that their body must go through. In Yoga, Breathing is considered twice as strong of a transformational method than any exercise.
Crystal Singing Bowls - Since the beginning of time, Sound Therapy has been used all across the globe to induce joy, well-being and a sense of community. In the forms of music, songs, instruments, chanting, nature and speech, sound plays a crucial role in our health, attitude and lifestyle. This particular sound method vibrates crystals formed into bowls that allow the certain note or pitch attained which then impacts the human's particular energy centers. Singing bowls have been used in ancient China, Buddhists, India and Europe. Methods are suggested to aid in mental peace, quality of rest, and overall energetic balance and abundance.
Mantra - Another form of sound therapy where the focus is the fifth chakra or voice box. Our words and sounds that we emit play a crucial role in our overall feel being and state of health. The word Mantra is defined as Man- comes from the word meaning Mind, and Tra - from the word meaning instrument. Mantra could be defined as and intrusment of the mind or an instrument of thought. Mantra's in yoga are used to balance and harmonize the mind. Mantra's are also pranayama's and forms of meditation. Modern science has proven our words' ability to effect water molecules and plants showing us that our words directly impact the conditions of not only our environment but ourselves.
Health Benefits of Yoga
Improves your flexibility
Builds muscle & bone strength
Corrects & enhances body posture
Strengthens cartilage & fascia
Increases Blood Flow
Assists in lymphatic drainage (enhances immune system)
Strengthen heart & lungs
Drops blood pressure
Regulates adrenal glands
Makes you happier (increases endorphin)
Lowers blood sugar
Helps better your focus
Relaxes body through calming the nervous system
Improves your balance
Detox's the body
Rejuvenates your skin
Reduces tension & pain in muscles & joints
Help stabilize sleeping patterns
Helps you sleep deeper
Assist in digestion & elimination
Boosts immunity
Increases self esteem
Connects you to guidance
Clear sinuses and congestion
Benefits your relationships
Encourages self care
Reduces anxiety
Enhances body awareness
Strengthens concentration & willpower
Energizes you!
Humbles you