Yoga and massage therapy both are ancient holistic sciences that aim to rejuvenate, revitalize and balance the physical, mental, emotional and energetic bodies. Yoga at its many levels has been defined as Union, Unity, relation, connection, to join with, to merge with, to become and to be. Yoga as a practice is a science of wellness through the disciplines of awareness, breathing, movement, meditation, chanting, concentration, study and ethical principles. Our goal as yoga practitioners is to practice discernment of what is good for us and to practice doing that. Through this process we are enabled to create a greater sense wellness which will translate into greater happiness, consciousness and peace.  As we reduce our physical suffering it directly affects our emotional state, mental state and energetic state. 

As an experienced practitioner, I provide a detailed analysis of the physical body and then suggest exercises, practices and methods that are personalized to bring forth a greater sense of balance to the individual. Depending on the conditions present, suggested methods could include restoring strength, mobility, and/or softness; movement, stillness, breathing, massage and/or foam rolling.  

Since the beginning of recorded history, touch has been considered a very healing and sacred art. The human hands have a very dense concentration of nerve endings which mean that they are very closely connected to the electrical energetic brain centers. Some ancient and modern theories claim the body to be a constantly changing energetic matrix. Massage therapy allows a person to experience an extremely sensational experience with them selves. The most painful and/or electrically active areas of the physical bodies are thought to be simply energy blockage or stagnant energy. Through massage/touch the therapist is enabled to assist the subject in their conscious connection between the mind/awareness and their physical body. Bringing the painful areas into the conscious awareness is a crucial part of restoring your energy balance. Using a variety of massage, movement and yoga methods, Integrated Yoga and Massage Therapy's mission to assist people to create a happier, healthier and more youthful life experience. Namaste.  
